happiness is homemade, as are all the goodies here


Whoopie! Pumpkin Cookie Style

Another success - pumpkin cookie whoopie pies!  So successful that I didn't get to take a picture of them before they were gone so I borrowed the picture above from the wonderful world of google images.  I used my favorite pumpkin cookie recipe (in the post below) for these and debated between a few recipes for the filling.  My first instinct was to use the marshmallow fluff recipe I found, but read a lot of reviews that it was much too sweet.  I knew a cream cheese frosting filling would work well with the pumpkin cookies, but wanted to try something new since not everyone is a fan of cream cheese frosting.  So, I landed on this recipe - a classic whoopie pie creme filling.  I only used 1/2 C shortening as 1 1/2 C seemed quite excessive (thanks, Nana Bessie, but we're trying to be a little more health conscious these days).  It made a TON of filling so I probably could have cut the recipe in half - I would also probably try a different filling next time or at least leave these in the fridge for the day before serving since it wasn't a very solidifying filling.  Other than that, the next time I make whoopie pies I will probably use a cookie press or something similar to get a more uniform shape/size.  An all-in-all success with a few noted tweaks for next time.  Enjoy, I know I did!


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