happiness is homemade, as are all the goodies here


Nutella Fudge with Sea Salt

Get ready, get set, prepare your appetites (and waistlines)! I hold the firm belief that chocolate is a deliciously effective healing tool, which is based on years of personal research & testing.  Assuming my research goes undisputed, this recipe could probably bring world peace and a spiritual calm the world has yet to witness.  I have been a bit skeptical of all the desserts popping up that have sea salt as an ingredient, but to all the naysayers - you will want to give it a go, trust me.  The below recipe is for Nutella Fudge with Sea Salt.  It is beautifully simple and there's not a thing I would change.  I do think a caramel addition would be nice; maybe drizzled on top?  Anywho, here's the recipe, enjoy!

Grease an 8x8 pan and line with parchment paper.  
*side note, I didn't learn about this parchment paper trick until last year - if you line the pan and leave a couple of inches overlapped on the sides, the fudge lifts right out of the pan.  You can also then cut the fudge on the paper and have a near mess free clean up.

In a double broiler (or glass mixing bowl over gently boiling water - don't let the water touch the bottom of the bowl) mix the following ingredients:  1 C Nutella, 1 Bag (10oz) High Quality Bittersweet Chocolate Chips, 1 Can (14oz) Sweetened Condensed Milk, 3 Tbsp  Unsalted Butter and 1 tsp Vanilla.  I used Ghirardelli 60% cacao chips.  I also couldn't really mix anything until it sat on the broiler for a minute.

Stir the mixture until completely melted and smooth.  This should take about 7-10 minutes.  Pour into prepared 8x8 pan and let cool in the fridge for at least 2 hours before cutting.  I use a rolling pizza cutter to cut the fudge since it's a smother cut.  Whether you use that or a knife, be sure to run it under hot water (and dry it) before cutting. I would recommend serving this slightly chilled - so maybe let it sit out for 30 mins or so, but not too long because it does get really soft REALLY quickly.


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