happiness is homemade, as are all the goodies here


No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake Bites

These little bite-size goodies were delicious! I was going to try something different with the recipe because I wanted to have enough to share at work and make them easy to grab-n-go. So, I used mini-muffin tins and ended up making 40 mini versions, 1 8" cake pan version AND I still had a good portion of filling left over...after nomming on some, of course, because how could I let any of it go to waste? The recipe below has my tweaks added in so please don't ignore my earlier warning, you will have LOTS of the cheesecake mixture to work with so don't be shy.

No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake Bites


1 1/2 cup crushed graham cracker

1/4 cup packed light brown sugar

7 Tbsp unsalted butter(melted)

1. Combine graham cracker crumbs with sugar.

2. Add melted butter and blend until combined.

3. Press into pan. I measured about 2 Tbsp and used the bottom of a medicine cup to really press the crust into the pan. Set aside.


2 1/4 C heavy cream

1 pound cream cheese, softened

2/3 C sugar

1/2 tsp salt

1 Tbsp lemon juice

2 tsp vanilla powder

3/4 cups Oreo Cookies, crushed

1. Beat heavy cream until medium peaks form. Set aside.

2. In a separate bowl: add cream cheese, sugar, salt, vanilla powder, lemon juice to a bowl and beat with the whisk attachment until smooth (approximately 3-5 mins). If you do not have a stand mixer or a whisk attachment a hand beater will work as well, but will take twice as long to achieve a smooth consistency (but everyone needs a stand mixer in their life!).

3. Add cream cheese mixture to heavy cream and beat until incorporated.

4. Gently fold in Oreo cookies.

5. Fill chosen pan with a slight mound at the center, as the cheesecake will become slightly sunken at the center.

6. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours to set or overnight for best results.

7. Remove from refrigerator and smooth top to level with edges. Serve with whipping cream and garnish with mini Oreos.

I would also suggest not putting the whipped cream on these little babes until you are ready to serve. Even just a couple of hours in the fridge, the whipped cream on mine started to fall and they just weren't as pretty. We all know this doesn't affect the taste, but it will most definitely affect the appearance.


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