happiness is homemade, as are all the goodies here



Pinterest is the devil in disguise, I am officially addicted.

If you have the same problem, I am willing to feed your addiction.  :)   Please keep an eye out for cool dessert recipes and pin them to this board.  I will try and get to as many of the recipes as I can!  Happy Pinning!


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Nutella Fudge with Sea Salt

Get ready, get set, prepare your appetites (and waistlines)! I hold the firm belief that chocolate is a deliciously effective healing tool, which is based on years of personal research & testing.  Assuming my research goes undisputed, this recipe could probably bring world peace and a spiritual calm the world has yet to witness.  I have been a bit skeptical of all the desserts popping up that have sea salt as an ingredient, but to all the naysayers - you will want to give it a go, trust me.  The below recipe is for Nutella Fudge with Sea Salt.  It is beautifully simple and there's not a thing I would change.  I do think a caramel addition would be nice; maybe drizzled on top?  Anywho, here's the recipe, enjoy!

Grease an 8x8 pan and line with parchment paper.  
*side note, I didn't learn about this parchment paper trick until last year - if you line the pan and leave a couple of inches overlapped on the sides, the fudge lifts right out of the pan.  You can also then cut the fudge on the paper and have a near mess free clean up.

In a double broiler (or glass mixing bowl over gently boiling water - don't let the water touch the bottom of the bowl) mix the following ingredients:  1 C Nutella, 1 Bag (10oz) High Quality Bittersweet Chocolate Chips, 1 Can (14oz) Sweetened Condensed Milk, 3 Tbsp  Unsalted Butter and 1 tsp Vanilla.  I used Ghirardelli 60% cacao chips.  I also couldn't really mix anything until it sat on the broiler for a minute.

Stir the mixture until completely melted and smooth.  This should take about 7-10 minutes.  Pour into prepared 8x8 pan and let cool in the fridge for at least 2 hours before cutting.  I use a rolling pizza cutter to cut the fudge since it's a smother cut.  Whether you use that or a knife, be sure to run it under hot water (and dry it) before cutting. I would recommend serving this slightly chilled - so maybe let it sit out for 30 mins or so, but not too long because it does get really soft REALLY quickly.

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Whoopie! Pumpkin Cookie Style

Another success - pumpkin cookie whoopie pies!  So successful that I didn't get to take a picture of them before they were gone so I borrowed the picture above from the wonderful world of google images.  I used my favorite pumpkin cookie recipe (in the post below) for these and debated between a few recipes for the filling.  My first instinct was to use the marshmallow fluff recipe I found, but read a lot of reviews that it was much too sweet.  I knew a cream cheese frosting filling would work well with the pumpkin cookies, but wanted to try something new since not everyone is a fan of cream cheese frosting.  So, I landed on this recipe - a classic whoopie pie creme filling.  I only used 1/2 C shortening as 1 1/2 C seemed quite excessive (thanks, Nana Bessie, but we're trying to be a little more health conscious these days).  It made a TON of filling so I probably could have cut the recipe in half - I would also probably try a different filling next time or at least leave these in the fridge for the day before serving since it wasn't a very solidifying filling.  Other than that, the next time I make whoopie pies I will probably use a cookie press or something similar to get a more uniform shape/size.  An all-in-all success with a few noted tweaks for next time.  Enjoy, I know I did!

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Pumpkin Cookies in the House!


2 1/2 C Flour                       1/2 tsp Salt

1 tsp Baking Powder             1/2 C  Butter, softened

1 tsp Baking Soda               1 1/2 C White Sugar

2 tsp Ground Cinnamon       1 C  Canned Pumpkin Puree

1/2 tsp Ground Nutmeg       1 Egg

1/2 tsp Ground Cloves         1 tsp Vanilla Extract


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and salt; set aside.

In a medium bowl, cream together butter and sugar.  Add pumpkin, egg and vanilla to butter mixture and beat until creamy.  Mix in dry ingredients.  Drop onto cookie sheet by tablespoons and flatten slightly.

Bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees.  Cool cookies before decorating.

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The Infamous Carrot Cake

This was my first attempt at Carrot Cake, had I known it was 8/10 people's favorite cake I would have been making it long ago!  The recipe for the cake is below, but I used Paula Deen's recipe for the frosting (will post later) thanks to a recommendation from my Aunt Catherine.  She was definitely right, an amazing frosting recipe by Ms. Deen!  :)   Also by recommendation of the Carrot Cake Connoisseur  (Richard) I used a recipe that incorporated crushed pineapple...I know, it sounds bizarre and otherworldly, but it's actually quite delicious.  This cake was extremely moist and flavorful - my only suggestion is to make sure your grated carrots are small enough.  The ones I labored over for hours *cough*and by labor I mean bought and opened the bag of grated carrots from the grocery store*cough* were almost more of a julienne cut and although they weren't bad, I felt they were more noticeable then they should have been.  Everyone gave rave reviews so this will be added to my cake bible.  Anywho, this cake diva needs her beauty rest so until next time, happy baking!!

Carrot Cake Recipe Here!

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Chocolate Mousse

I made this quickie recipe the other night before the Super Bowl so I had something to cheers with when the Giants won!  ;)   It's super fast (faster than it may initially seem) and has a really light texture with a bang of chocolate flavor.  I never tried making a mousse before this blog...I guess it sounded like so much energy for a frou-frou dessert.  Well, I'll tell you one thing, this is going to a staple in the dessert section of my cookbook from now on.  I would probably pair it with fruit if serving (instead of self-indulging) to lighten the flavor and match the texture.  The picture doesn't do it justice but heck, it's late and I'm sure I'll make it again when there is perhaps better lighting or a better presentation.  

I'm trying to think ahead for my next endeavor; maybe carrot cake...maybe a new cookie...any suggestions out there?

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Lemon Citrus Cupcakes

So I used this recipe to make a cake for my ex's 30th birthday and it was a huge hit.  I wanted to make new memories with this recipe as well as change it up a little so I made cupcakes instead (yeah, I know, living on the edge here).  I personally think it's better as a cake but it was still a success in these delectable miniature forms. If you choose to make cupcakes with this recipe, I would suggest using a little more butter in the icing and not putting much icing on the cupcakes as it is RICH.  The cake itself is light with a hint of citrus and the icing is, as I mentioned, extremely rich and creamy.  The zest in the icing is not only a flavorful addition but really creates a visually pleasing dessert.  This would be a great summertime treat!

Lemon-Orange Cake Recipe Here!

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