happiness is homemade, as are all the goodies here


A slight preface on my baking style that might help you as well:  With few exceptions, I have quit trying to make sure my measurements are 100% precise (which anyone who knows me may be shocked at my lack of perfectionism in that aspect) - I still measure everything out of course, however I find the process of not using a knife edge to get a perfectly precise "1 Cup" of flour every time, freeing if not a little rebellious. I always have music playing when I bake (or do anything, really) and I often find myself performing some extreme version of said music using the nearest spoon or spatula as my microphone while I'm waiting for the timer to go off.  I try to not bake if I'm beyond angry or upset.  I find that my emotions often transfer into the end result so if I'm truly pissed or frantic I could end up with burnt cookies or a flat cake - which tends to just perpetuate the negative emotion.  On the flip side, baking is a definite release for me so if I can't sort out a troubling situation I usually bake to get my mind off things (my mom's chocolate chip cookies are my #1 go-to).  In most recipes, I add slightly more vanilla than what it calls for.  And I NEVER buy imitation vanilla.  Some lesser versions of things are just not the same as their true-blue counterparts (vanilla, mascara, most hair care items, toilet paper, etc.).  Below are some sites I found tonight while looking for new recipes, I'm hoping to have a Chocolate Genoise up here this week...  :)

Joy of Baking: I really like this site because they explain why certain steps are taken.  It goes beyond just blindly following a recipe and thoroughly teaches the techniques.

Epicurious Desserts: HELLO!?  "For people who love to eat"...enough said.

Cake Central: Terrific tutorials for deco, which is something I definitely would like to work on.

All Recipes: This one is a no brainer.  The fact that fellow bakers can post their likes/dislikes/adjustments to the recipes is a huge bonus...however, the pop up ads can be annoying.


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