happiness is homemade, as are all the goodies here


It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

So, I've avoided baking for the last two weeks due to being sick and not wanting to spread the wealth. In my downtime however, I did find some pics I thought were worth sharing. I get really excited for fall because not only is it time for orchards, pumpkin patches and some of my favorite holidays but there are so many amazing ingredients that are in season and fresh (there's an amazing pumpkin roll I'll be posting soon enough and is to die for!). These pics are from my insane holiday antics...what else am I going to do for those I love most but BAKE?! I typically spend at least an entire day baking treats to give my family, friends and coworkers. This past year I ended up with 2 batches each of chocolate fudge, red velvet cookies, crackle cookies, no bake cookies and oatmeal raising cookies, 4 batches of chocolate chip cookies, a bags worth of pretzel/M&M thingies & over 300 buckeyes. In the past I've also done homemade thin mints, chocolate dipped pretzels and some other odds and ends but I decided last year to stick mostly with the classic cookies and add in some new faves. How do I get through the long day, you may ask? Some coffee, lots of snacking and LOTS of music! Let me tell you...the house smells like heaven and it is an absolute joy when everything is done and ready to hand out. This tradition started with my mom and my aunts - every year sometime before Christmas, my mom and aunts would get together at our house and bake, bake, bake, bake, BAKE! I still remember helping to roll the buckeyes and thinking that the bottom of the bowl would never appear. Now, my sister and I both carry out this tradition with our own twists added - her in California and me in Indy. I'm pretty sure our friends and coworkers have quit questioning our sanity and just go with it nowadays...

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